Why Federal Bank Fi Account Freezed By the Side of Law of Enforcement ; Bank Account Freeze

 Why Fi Account Freezed By the Side of Law of Enforcement

Unfreeze Procedure Fi Bank  


Fi Account is the most established digital bank account in India. Customers can create bank accounts through a digital online process. However, last month, the government of India restricted the creation of digital bank accounts.

Mostly, digital bank accounts are used for cyber crimes. Hence, enforcement agencies started observing the creation of digital banks and banning some finance institutions from creating Digital bank accounts for customers.

bank account freeze federal bank

Anyway, the Fi Accounts are Freezed, Credit Freezed and Debit Freezed by various reason. Some accounts are not providing proper KYC and occupation details, which will affect the customers' bank accounts.

The KYC issues can solve through bank procedure. The customers completing the details of KYC and Further details bank lift the freeze.

In some cases the account freezing because of the cyber crime registered under the cyber cell or any law authority. Also, as per the instruction of cyber cell the lien amount is marking in the bank account involved in the cyber crime. In this cases, the account holders can unfreeze the bank account through court.



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Why Federal Bank Fi Account Freezed By the Side of Law of Enforcement ; Bank Account Freeze